I've done dreadlocks as a hobby/sideline for about eight years now. I've got a website, a local store carries some little business cards of mine (they need a redesign), and I do a couple clients' hair a month - a little more in the summers. I just paid my taxes for it this year a few weeks ago.. fun fun fun.
Sarah is a good friend of mine and also one of my clients -Sarah and her husband Sam graciously agreed to let me steal some photos of them and ruthlessly exploit them... bwahaha.
I like this pic of Sarah somewhere along the lake:
I like this pic of Sarah somewhere along the lake:
This one's a promo shot (thanks to Cassandra Davidson for the photo)
The clients I get are always interesting people, and more often than not quite talkative. From the chef who lives in the Muskokas to the boyfriend and girlfriend both getting dreadlocks at the same time to the intern at MTV to the junior high skateboarder, they've all got a story.
Whenever I do dreadlocks, I tell clients to bring two things: snacks, and if they want, two or three movies to watch, But people usually just end up picking movies out of our collection. ( For some reason, everyone picks Nacho Libre or zombie movies. I like them too, but by now I've seen enough Jack Black and braaaiiinnss to last my entire life. Shaun of the Dead never gets old, though)
Sometimes they do bring over their own DVDs to watch - like the BBC Planet Earth series one teenager brought last year. A lot of skateboarding/extreme sports/Jackass type stuff too.
A few people are silent the whole time their dreadlocks are being done.
But most people talk a lot, especially parents. (I try to ask people about themselves, which usually starts interesting conversations). (Which can be a relief for their kid or teenager, or acutely embarrassing). More often than not we get into some spiritual conversations, which is also extremely awesome.
Last week, though, there was something completely different.
(not, sadly, And Now For Something Completely Different. I'd watch that any day.)
A teenager came with his mom to get his hair done, and they brought CDs to listen to. One was by Bedouin Soundclash, and the other was the live Foo Fighters disc Skin and Bones.

And I haven't been able to get it out of my head since. I have a few tracks by these guys on my iPod, but none of their live stuff. I think I might buy it this summer, along with the new U2 and mewithoutYou.
It was a good few hours, anyhow.
1 comment:
Hey the links on your website for your contact info wont work. If you could post here that would be great,
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