In one sense, principles that can be applied to many situations are great.
On the other hand, I'm a concrete, concrete thinker. I have a big imagination, but it's never about abstract concepts or words bandied about - even in imagination it's always about what possible concrete reality can happen - what something could look like, smell like, feel like, sound like.
you've seen that "time to get new people" commercial, right? if you haven't yet:
The boss asks what his employees have put together, and they confidently reply: "First, we're gonna raise the bar! Then we're gonna think outside the box! Think big, start small, hit the ground running-" ... and that's about the time the boss says "I need to get new people!"
in 2002, i was still in st. catharines, and a local worship leader did this CD.
there was a worship gathering of many churches called (appropriately enough) the gathering that i heard many of these songs in, and they stuck in my head.
because as good as abstract songs are... these ones brought the concrete reality of the gospel home for me in a way I hadn't experienced yet.
The same worship leader, along with a few others, now are at a great church called Southridge in that city.
and today i got to work, and there was a very tough situation that happened before I got there. When I arrived, I couldn't help if I stayed - it was just that kind of thing. So I ended up working at the FRWY today (another great church + cafe around the corner from my house), a place I love but rarely have time to visit.
at work, in my "corner office" (the corner of a large room containing 4 shared offices) I pray in a certain way. I turn my chair, put my feet up on the chair rail, stare at the wall, and talk (to God, unless I hear something funny coming from another part of the office). Yep, I tend to get distracted.
But today working at the FRWY, i just opened up a word file and wrote it out. and for today, that worked real well.
and as i did, this song came to mind (though i didn't post till i was done - successfully fightin' distraction!)
because the gospel is concrete reality, more real than the (slightly moist) shoes on my feet from walking through the rainy city, more real than the tragedy that befalls us each day, more real than any of the shadows that we encounter and think that this is "real life." life can be great, but this isn't all there is. that's only "further up and further in" to requote a Freedomize Toronto phrase quoting C.S. Lewis. (huh, four churches in one post... i didn't intend that at all. but neat. except that now I'm stuck: is that me being very spiritual or namedropping? (just kidding... it's neither).
the song:

for we are hungry for the truth
so needing to be changed
seeing how much we're loved by you
that you take us as we are
but love too much to leave us there
giving your very heart
lifting us up if we will dare
if we'll trust you... believe you... give up our lives to seek you.
the cross has made it known
your love is serious
and we are not alone
you are not far --- you're God with us!
the grave is empty now
you're bigger than death itself
more than all of our scars
your power is greater than raging hell
you bring...
freedom thoughts and freedom words
freedom dance and song
freedom life, a second birth
freedom choices, freedom prayers
freedom deeds and ways
die to self and all it's cares
changing now by grace
if we'll trust you... believe you... give up our lives to seek you.
as real as the concrete under my feet:
this went through my head just the other day.
good post - and welcome to blogger, btw!
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