Friday, February 26, 2010

28 Reasons I Love Hamilton... Reason 26

Why write 28 reasons I love Hamilton?

1. Hamilton is a CITY.
2. Location
3. Size (population)
4. Scale
5. Creativity and the arts
6. Buildings
7. Nature

8. Film industry
9. Markets and restaurants
10. Trails, paths, and running routes
11. Gore Park
12. Climate
13. Safety
14. Landscapes and views
15. The ability to live modestly
16. Sports teams
17. Schools
18. Entertainment options
19. The churches and (other faith groups)
20. Festivals and events
21. History
22. Waterfront
23. Small businesses
24. Coffee
25. Being a real part of change

26. Anyone can be active and green here.

Hamilton has the right scale for it.
Hamilton has pretty decent infrastructure for it.
The exception might be the buildings in which it's difficult/impossible to do a green bin and/or without recycling facilities.
To bike from Dundurn to Kenilworth is 7 km
Lots of houses are on a small footprint environmentally - and other options exist.
The amount of trips necessary with a car is small compared to other cities.
And the recreation we have - from public pools to trails to being able to walk around - is amazing.
If leagues are your thing, there's everything from frisbee golf to volleyball.
And if all you want or need to do is walk, there's a lot of great routes to do it.

A lot of the barriers, like having neighbourhoods only accessible by car, isn't true except for tiny pockets here.
Even those without a lot of money can afford fresh food at the markets and grocery stores. Unlike many other cities that only have "convenience" stores for whole neighbourhoods, we have a lot of grocery stores in all areas of the city.

You can do extra things too. Use Bullfrog power. Get rain barrels. Live closer to the things you access every week.

You don't have to have a lot of money to be active. Options exist.
You don't have to have a lot of money to be green. Options exist.
And that's another advantage of cities in general - and of Hamilton in particular.

Anyone can live an active and green lifestyle here. And that's another reason I love Hamilton.

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